
Overteは、バーチャルリアリティ(VR)やデスクトップ体験としての仮想世界を作成・共有できる オープンソース の仮想世界・ソーシャルVRソフトウェアです。自分の仮想世界を作成し、ホストすることができますし、他の世界を探索し、他のユーザーと出会い、つながり、VRイベントに参加、主催したり、その他にも多くのことができます。


  • ワールドの共同制作・編集

  • フルボディトラッキングを含むVR対応

  • 1つのワールドで最大500ユーザーまで対応するスケーラビリティ

  • ゲーム、インタラクタブル、UIエレメント、カスタムアプリケーションの作成が可能なJavaScriptによるスクリプト

  • 高音質低遅延空間オーディオ

  • Bullet物理演算エンジンの強力な物理演算

  • 寛容なApache 2.0ライセンスによる完全なオープンソース

  • 非中央集権。自宅からでも自分のサーバーを運営できる。

  • ユーザーアカウント不要

  • 民主的な非営利団体によるサポート

Overteを入手する DownloadPage 、または Gallery GalleryPage をご覧ください。

MatrixLink overte:overte.org 🔗 のMatrixスペースに参加しましょう。スペースは DiscordLink Discord 🔗 にもブリッジされています。

Overte officeでの開発者ミーティング

Overte officeでの開発者ミーティング


2024-04-16 NLnet grant extended again!

We've obtained another extension to the NLnet grant, with the following additional items:


Text entities

Our text entities need some love. They are clunky, and most importantly they use a custom format that isn't documented anywhere; Meaning that we cannot add new fonts, which is especially bad because the current fonts only support ASCII character.

Graphics improvements II

Miscellaneous improvements II

2024-04-02 NLnet grant extended!

We've obtained an extension to the NLnet grant, with the following additional items:

Linux FHS Support

The Linux Filesystem Hierarchy standard defines the proper file layout for an application. This work would involve adopting it, and adding some nice improvements as well.

This will:

  • Make packaging easier and allow inclusion in distributions.

  • Make SELinux easier.

  • Allow easy instancing out of the box.

  • Make Mac packaging easier.


LDAP Support

LDAP is a common authentication mechanism, widely supported in organizations. Active Directory is compatible as well.

This will help Overte integrate much better into corporate and university structures. They could use their own internal system to control authentication. We'd save the need to write that code ourselves, which is of little interest and has been done better by other projects.


IPv6 Support

IPv6 adoption is reaching quite good levels as of late, and is especially important in environments that are hurting for IPv4 addresses such as corporate, universities, cloud and large deployments. Some providers already are charging extra for IPv4 addresses, so supporting IPv6 helps making hosting domains cheaper.



SELinux is a security system that allows sandboxing applications and daemons.

SELinux would sandbox the domain server and optionally the interface, to ensure that any exploits can't affect the rest of the system. For instance, a domain exploit could still break the domain, but couldn't use the server to attack other computers or expose the user's private data.


Canvas texture

This would implement a new concept of a software defined canvas texture. Scripts can draw on it, and clients receive updates.

This has a huge potential range of useful functionality:

  • Software defined textures

  • Script-generated nametags, banners, status displays, etc.

  • Screen sharing without any external dependencies

  • Whiteboard

  • Synchronized web entity

  • Server-side rendered web entity. This would help with the Quest implementation.


2024年2月24日 NLnet から助成金が支給されました!

NLnet Foundation は、多くの素晴らしいオープンソースプロジェクトを支援する組織であり、私たちもその中の一つに選ばれたことを喜んでお知らせします!



この資金は、以下の分野で作業する開発者の給与に使用されます。私たちと NLnet の間でさらなる作業が合意される可能性があります。

締め切りは 2025年2月17日 です。

一部の作業はすでに開始されており、 GitHub にて確認できます https://github.com/overte-org/overte





We're currently using OpenGL for 3D rendering. But unfortunately it's fallen out of favor in the last years, and some platforms like Mac are even deprecating it completely. AMD pays very little attention to it, and driver bugs are a frequent annoyance.

Vulkan will provide a much more modern, performant and supported renderer, and should fix our Mac support woes.

  • Wireframe rendering

  • Forward renderer (for low end hardware)

  • Deferred renderer (fully featured)

  • Optimization

  • Frame transfer to VR plugin

Build system improvements

This will make work on Overte more pleasant and make it easier to build. This is important for making maintenance easier and making life easier for future contributors.

  • Switching to Conan

  • Updating documentation

  • Improving build process


  • NLnet, for giving us this great opportunity.

  • Julian Groß, for negotiating this agreement.

  • Sam Gondelman, Karol Suprynowicz and AnotherFoxGuy for taking on the work.

  • The Overte community, for making this possible.

2023-04-01 新サイト


このウェブサイトやOverteの他の部分の翻訳にご協力いただける方は、weblate.overte.org 🔗 までお越しください。