„Overte“ yra atvirojo kodo, virtualių pasaulių ir bendravimo virtualios realybės aplinkoje programa, leidžianti kurti ir dalytis virtualiais pasauliais per "VR" ir "desktop" aplinkas. Jūs galite sukurti ir patalpinti savo virtualų pasaulį, tyrinėti kitų sukurtus pasaulius, susitikti ir bendrauti su kitais naudotojais, dalyvauti gyvuose VR renginiuose arba juos rengti patiems ir daug daugiau.
„Overte“ programa siūlo šias išskirtinas galimybes:
Bendras pasaulių kūrimas ir redagavimas
VR palaikymas, įskaitant kūno sekimą
Lankstumas iki 500 naudotojų viename pasaulyje
Skriptų rašymas „JavaScript“ pagalba, leidžiantis kurti žaidimus, interaktyvius elementus, vartotojo sąsajos elementus ir savitas programas
Aukštos kokybės mažo vėlavimo erdvinis garsas
Galinga fizika naudojanti „Bullet“ fizikos variklį
Visiškai atviras kodas pagal "Apache 2.0" licenciją
Jokio centrinio pavaldumo. Galite paleisti savo serverį iš namų.
Naudotojo paskyra neprivaloma
Remiama demokratine ne pelno siekiančia organizacija
Atsiusųskite „Overte“ arba užmeskite akį į mūsų Galeriją .
Prisijunkite prie mūsų „Matrix“ erdvės: overte:overte.org 🔗. Mūsų „Matrix“ erdvė taip pat yra sujungta su Discord 🔗.
2024-04-16 NLnet grant extended again!
We've obtained another extension to the NLnet grant, with the following additional items:
Fix warnings and allow turning on warnings-as-errors (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/930)
Clean up Application.cpp so it's not 10,000 lines (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/931)
fix setting joint data by name (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/613)
Replace the old wearables system with avatar entities to deduplicate code. (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/932)
Text entities
Our text entities need some love. They are clunky, and most importantly they use a custom format that isn't documented anywhere; Meaning that we cannot add new fonts, which is especially bad because the current fonts only support ASCII character.
clip to edges instead of completely disappearing (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/583)
Switch to a standard font format (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/126)
Graphics improvements II
Add ambient light color (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/6)
Loading MToon materials directly from glTF (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/933)
Optional camera clipping (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/618)
Custom shader fallback (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/640): One fallback for if a shader fails to load/compile and one for if a user has procedural shaders disabled
Exposing more graphics settings (tone-mapping, bloom, procedural shaders, AO) (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/740, https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/741, https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/14)
add tone-mapping and Ambient Occlusion properties to Zone entities (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/934)
Miscellaneous improvements II
Add VR laser smoothing which will especially help people with shaky hands (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/883)
Increase loading priority of avatar entities (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/834)
Add option to not have an avatar show until its entities are loaded (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/834)
Improve current loading priority system (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/834)
Add a property to influence load priority of entities (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/834)
2024-04-02 NLnet grant extended!
We've obtained an extension to the NLnet grant, with the following additional items:
Linux FHS Support
The Linux Filesystem Hierarchy standard defines the proper file layout for an application. This work would involve adopting it, and adding some nice improvements as well.
This will:
Make packaging easier and allow inclusion in distributions.
Make SELinux easier.
Allow easy instancing out of the box.
Make Mac packaging easier.
Domain server/assignment client implementation (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/903)
Interface implementation (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/904)
LDAP Support
LDAP is a common authentication mechanism, widely supported in organizations. Active Directory is compatible as well.
This will help Overte integrate much better into corporate and university structures. They could use their own internal system to control authentication. We'd save the need to write that code ourselves, which is of little interest and has been done better by other projects.
Basic support in domain web UI to allow multiple users to authenticate. (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/905)
Basic support as an alternative to directory server: user accounts, domain directory. (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/906)
Full alternative to directory server. Support user relationships, data storage, profile metadata. (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/907)
IPv6 Support
IPv6 adoption is reaching quite good levels as of late, and is especially important in environments that are hurting for IPv4 addresses such as corporate, universities, cloud and large deployments. Some providers already are charging extra for IPv4 addresses, so supporting IPv6 helps making hosting domains cheaper.
Basic support in domain web UI. (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/908)
Support for fetching assets over IPv6 in interface. (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/909)
Support for domains running on IPv6. (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/910)
SELinux is a security system that allows sandboxing applications and daemons.
SELinux would sandbox the domain server and optionally the interface, to ensure that any exploits can't affect the rest of the system. For instance, a domain exploit could still break the domain, but couldn't use the server to attack other computers or expose the user's private data.
Confine domain-server. (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/911)
Confine assignment clients. (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/912)
Attempt supporting multiple instances with isolation. (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/913)
Isolate multiple Overte servers on the same machine from each other. (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/914)
Confine interface. (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/915)
Canvas texture
This would implement a new concept of a software defined canvas texture. Scripts can draw on it, and clients receive updates.
This has a huge potential range of useful functionality:
Software defined textures
Script-generated nametags, banners, status displays, etc.
Screen sharing without any external dependencies
Synchronized web entity
Server-side rendered web entity. This would help with the Quest implementation.
Basic implementation. Texture object, simple operations like painting pixels and blocks. (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/916)
Proper canvas API. Support for fonts, graphics primitives like rectangles, circles, curves, etc. (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/917)
Screen sharing (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/918)
Synchronized web surface. (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/919)
2024-02-24 We've obtained an NLnet grant!
The NLnet Foundation is an organization that supports many amazing Open Source projects, and we're elated to announce that we've also made the list!
As part of the agreement, we commit to keeping users and developers up to date with the progress made on these items at least every two months. For that, we'll keep track of it during our usual Saturday development meetings, and use tags, projects and other functionality on Github to make it easy for anyone interested to follow the progress.
Project plan
The funding will be used to pay developers that will work on the areas listed below. There exists the possibility of more work being agreed between us and NLnet.
The agreed on deadline for completion is February 17, 2025.
Some of the work has already started and can be seen on GitHub: https://github.com/overte-org/overte
Audio Overhaul
Move audio zones to zone properties (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/69)
Add audio entities (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/69)
Miscelaneous Improvements
Add a wantsKeyboardFocus property for web entities (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/6)
Add interpolation on model animations (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/317)
Graphics Improvements
Fix shadow culling on back-faces (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/547)
Allow opaque particles (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/776#issuecomment-1868203856)
Finish overhaulting TAA with velocity buffer (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/pull/501)
Add support for GPU particles
We're currently using OpenGL for 3D rendering. But unfortunately it's fallen out of favor in the last years, and some platforms like Mac are even deprecating it completely. AMD pays very little attention to it, and driver bugs are a frequent annoyance.
Vulkan will provide a much more modern, performant and supported renderer, and should fix our Mac support woes.
Wireframe rendering
Forward renderer (for low end hardware)
Deferred renderer (fully featured)
Frame transfer to VR plugin
Build system improvements
This will make work on Overte more pleasant and make it easier to build. This is important for making maintenance easier and making life easier for future contributors.
Switching to Conan
Updating documentation
Improving build process
NLnet, for giving us this great opportunity.
Julian Groß, for negotiating this agreement.
Sam Gondelman, Karol Suprynowicz and AnotherFoxGuy for taking on the work.
The Overte community, for making this possible.
2023-04-01 Nauja svetainė
Kadangi mūsų senoji 11ty paremta svetainė nebuvo prižiūrima ir niekas nežinojo, kaip ją redaguoti, sukūrėme visiškai naują svetainę naudodami "Sphinx" - tą pačią sistemą, kurią jau daugelį metų naudojame pagrindinei dokumentacijai. Tai, be kita ko, leidžia mums pagaliau išversti svetainę į įvairias kalbas naudojant "Weblate".
Jei norite padėti išversti šią svetainę ar kitas "Overte" dalis, apsilankykite adresu weblate.overte.org 🔗.